Sunday, September 21, 2008


Visit to Yasukuni was not in my priority , but this visit made me realize, had i not, i would have missed the legal part of it. In the heart of Tokyo, surrounded by old uncared stone wall, the much controversial temples lives in gloom these days. Thousands of gllomy visitors visit with sad, smileless expression. The entire environment is mourning. The remple is colored black with little bright colored new establishments in between. Whether the martyrs of Japan or the world class criminals are remembered here, any visitor will not find either here.

What to expect there:

Much less is heard about Dr. Radha Binod Pal. There is a potrait in his remembrances

Doctor Radha Binod Pal took up his post as the judge
representing India in the International Military
Tribunal for the Far East held in Tokyo in May 1946,
and until the conclusion and judgement devoted
himself to single-mindedly researching and analysing
a vast range of historical materials related to the
trial. Not only was Dr. Pal the only judge who
specialised in international law among the judges
from the 11 allied countries that carried out the
trials, but he was also a man who held deep insight
in the study of civilisation and had a passionate
sense of duty to protect legal justice.
Dr. Pal perceived the so-called "Tokyo Trials" as no
more than a barbaric ritual of revenge against the
then-powerless, defeated Japan by the arrogant,
victorious Allied Nations, and argued that the was
no legal grounds for the Allies' prosecution which
was full of factual errors. Thus, he made public his
expansive written opinion which judged that the entire
group of defendants were innocent.
Dr. Pal's ruling is now recognised as the generally-
accepted opinion of international law in the civilised
world, as the lust for revenge and historical prejudice
of the Allied nations is finally subsiding as in the
conclusion of his written opinion.
We honour here the passion and bravery of Dr. Pal, who
protected legal justice and historical reason, and erect
this monument to inscribe his great works and to forever
pass on his deeds for the Japanese people.
25 June, 2005
Head Priest, Yasukuni Shrine
NANBU Toshiaki

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